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Fibre, seed, bitter and herbal preparation

Bowel-active dietary fiber, seed, bittern and herb formula for the digestive system and excretory function.

To cleanse, regenerate and vitalise the intestines


450 g mixture

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Product Description

ColoSTABIL® – Bowel-active dietary fiber, seed, bittern and herb preparation

For the digestive system and excretory function

ColoSTABIL® may encourage a good “gut feeling” and general well-being. The bowel is our biggest organ and is intended to play a key role in the preparation and supply of nutrients as well as in regulating the excretion of end products despite our degenerated modern diet. In addition, a healthy gut houses 80% of our immune system.

This balanced mix of bowel-active fiber, seeds, bitters and herbs has been adapted to meet the requirements of a healthy digestion. The intestine and its digestion constitute a central function in nutritional status and metabolic processes.

Use of ColoSTABIL®

  • for dysregulated digestion or constipation
  • to improve stool consistency
  • as a valuable source of nutrients and fiber
  • for a varied, balanced nutritional diet
  • as filling, non-burdensome interim meal that is low in calories (e.g. as a shake with fruit juice)
  • before and after sporting activity
  • before and during de-acidification and excretory cures
  • before and during weight-loss diets

According to their nature prebiotic dietary fibers support:

  • a natural good ‘gut feeling’ and general well-being
  • a normal harmonious digestion and stable bowel activity
  • a normal self-cleansing of small and large intestine
  • a physiological intestinal milieu and a natural, physiological intestinal flora, and consequently a stronge immune defence of the organism
  • a binding and excretion of undesired substances

Valuable nutritional content

ColoSTABIL® is a natural wholefood preparation with top quality ingredients. It contains a sensational spectrum of valuable trace elements, vitamins and secondary plant substances, such as polyphenols, bioflavonoids, anthocyanins and OPC, resveratrol and bitter substances.

Maintenance of the intestines and the stool

ColoSTABIL® contains various fibrous materials, swelling agents and mucilage, which stimulate intestinal activity and intestinal cleansing. Experts assume that nowadays we consume just 10% of the amount of dietary fiber compared with the average of the rural population 50 years ago.

Probiotic fibers naturally feed the health-promoting microorganisms in the colon and can thus promote a favorable intestinal milieu and consequently strengthen the body´s immune defense.

A normalization of the digestion and thus a tightening of the gut passage time relieves the intestinal mucosa and promotes its regeneration. Natural cleansing and excretion happen gentle and efficient and can help to reduce the daily intake of undesirable substances.

Hildegard von Bingen’s herbs and bitters

Bowel-active plant substances, essential spices and herbs, as well as bitter-herbs may also have specific binding properties. In addition, their secondary plant compounds can provide natural, stimulating effects on the body’s detoxification organs, e.g. liver, gall bladder, kidneys and of course the bowel itself.

ColoSTABIL® offers a unique supply of natural micronutrients, antioxidants and bitter agents as well as many forgotten ingredients from the field of traditional herbal medicine. It therefore provides an important contribution to a holistic, healthy diet.

To cleanse, regenerate and vitalise the intestines
Made in Germany

ColoSTABIL® is without following substances:

dr. reinwald vital products - without gmo without GMO
dr. reinwald vital products - without animal testing without animal testing
dr. reinwald vital products - without additives without additives
dr. reinwald vital products - without pesticides without pesticides

ColoSTABIL® is good for:

immune system

ColoSTABIL® – for a natural and good gut feeling!

ColoSTABIL by dr.reinwald vital
ColoSTABIL® – your daily fiber power with our prebiotic fiber mixture with seeds, bitters and herbs

ColoSTABIL by dr.reinwald vital


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ColoSTABIL® – your advantage over conventional dietary fiber supplements

We are often asked what makes our products stand out from conventional supplements. The answer here is quite simple: it is the quality of the ingredients and of course the synergistic formula with added value! You are not convinced yet? Check for yourself:

ColoSTABIL by dr.reinwald vital

ColoSTABIL by dr.reinwald vital
Unbeatable formula for maximum effectiveness

  • Synergistic spectrum of valuable trace elements, vitamins and secondary plant substances such as polyphenols, bioflavonoids, anthocyanins and OPC, resveratrol
  • High concentration of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber (65%), mucilage, swelling agents and fiber for optimal nutrition of the broad intestinal flora spectrum
  • Natural micronutrients, antioxidants and bitter substances, as well as many forgotten helpers from traditional herbal medicine.
  • More tolerable bran in the form of oats and spelt (oats contain the less aggressive avenin as a gluten sequence).
  • Free from: lactose, gluten
  • 100 % vegan
  • Without GMO
  • Made in Germany in certified manufacturing plants

Products by dr.reinwald vital - your advantage

Conventional dietary fiber supplements
Make sure to check before buying:

  • whether it is a one-sided mixture – incomplete formulas or mono-products have a lower potency.
  • whether the dosage is comparable.
  • on excipients, fillers and separating and binding agents as well as on substances that have no place in a health product – especially maltodextrin, stearates, lactose, gluten, sugar, purine, iodine, milk, egg, soy, yeast, flavors, flavor enhancers, preservatives and colorants.
    whether genetically modified raw materials are contained.
  • whether the usually less tolerated wheat gluten/ wheat gliadin is contained.
  • on synthetic, chemically produced ingredients. Unnatural ingredients are often not from sustainable sources.
  • on inorganic ingredients that have very little bioavailability for our organism.
  • the origin. German standards are considered number one for quality around the world – ahead of Switzerland and the USA.

ColoSTABIL® and its cofactors

Our dr.reinwald vital products have been designed as complex formulations. These active complexes are far more efficient than mono-substances, as they provide the organism with the important synergists and cofactors it needs to optimally support the controlled metabolic processes.

ColoSTABIL® is a wholesome, natural food preparation with ingredients of the best quality, which stands out due to the synergies of the individual ingredients. ColoSTABIL® contains a sensational spectrum of valuable trace elements, vitamins and secondary plant substances such as polyphenols, bioflavonoids, anthocyanins and OPC, resveratrol as well as bitter substances.

ColoSTABIL® provides a unique prebiotic supply of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber in high concentration (65%) to support healthy digestion. Active phytochemicals, essential spices and herbs, and bitter herbs may also have specific binding properties. In addition, their secondary plant compounds can have natural, stimulating effects on the body’s detoxification organs, such as the liver, gall bladder, kidneys and, of course, the intestines themselves.


Oat bran, spelt bran, ground hemp seed, broccoli powder, whole psyllium, whole linseeds, psyllium husks, ground psyllium, ground chokeberry, acerola cherry powder, artichoke powder, spice mix including gentian root, milk thistle, dandelion root, bertram, clove, caraway

Free from gluten, milk, eggs, salt, sugar, soya, yeast, flavour enhancers, preservatives and colourants.


450 g mixture, sufficient for 30 days

Nutritional values

Energy/calorific value: per 15 g: 39 kcal/162 kJ · per 100 g: 259 kcal/1079 kJ
Daily serving size: 15 g

NRV/RDA/GDA: % of the recommended daily amount

As a natural product, ColoSTABIL® is subject to natural variations in nutrient content.

ChitosaCLEAN colon by dr.reinwald vital

Recommended consumption

Take 1 heaped tablespoon (approx. 15 g) daily added to juice, warm or cold water, milk, yoghurt, muesli or fruit. Stir well or whisk.
Gradually increase within the first week.
Take double the amount over the course of 4 – 6 weeks for application as a cleasing cure.

Suitable for vegans.

Legal note

This product is for nutrition and therefore does not affect any Drug Act of any country. A good nutritional status can help the organism prevent or to overcome diseases. All statements describe characteristics and physiological effects, which can be different for consumers, and do not constitute a healing or health promise.

Weight 0,634 kg
Dimensions 11,9 × 11,9 × 14 cm

Food supplements, Vegan, Vegetarian


Binding materials, Dietary fibres & Prebiotics, Plant substances & Polyphenols, Vitamins




Herbal food preparation

Goods tarif number


Country of origin
